Friday, June 5, 2009

Great Weather, Lots of Golfers

The last few days have been near perfect for golf. The course has also been very busy which is great.

Just a reminder of a few etiquette issues:

1. Please repair your ball marks. Left unrepaired, they take weeks to heal.

2. Replace your divots. We do fill divots with sand and seed mix but it is always better to replace the divot. Take care and fit it back in the way it came out. It will heal the quickest this way.

3. Rake the bunkers. Use two hands on the rake and smooth out all depressions. Be careful not to pull sand out of the bunker.

4. Obey the cart posts. We do have a lot of cart traffic and we try to spread the wear as best we can by moving the posts around.

5. Don't play, walk, or drive on new sod. The fourth green is a perfect example. The new sod is lagging behind a bit. That sod has everything going against it. It gets virtually no morning sun, we are mowing at less than 1/8 of an inch and it's located in a high traffic area. I don't want to rope it off for obvious reasons. If everyone walked around it, instead of directly over it, we would make it much happier!

Enjoy the course but respect your fellow players and the maintenance staff by doing your part.

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