Thursday, April 22, 2010

Winter Damage Update

April 5th

April 20th

If you have played this year, you already know that we have three greens out of play due to ice damage. As I have mentioned before, no amount of damage is desirable and the recovery can never be quick enough. However, the unseasonably warm weather along with tarping the greens and keeping them out of play has kick started the recovery process. As you can see from the pictures above, there has been significant improvement since early April. We are doing everything we can to keep the process moving along as quickly as possible. Of the three, the 17th green has the least amount of damage and will be back in play the quickest - hopefully in early May but no guarantees at the moment. #11 and #12 have more damage so will be back in play a few weeks after #17. Again, no guarantees since we are still dependent on mother nature to help us. Warm night time temperatures will help the most.

Thank you for your patience.

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