Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Soggy Start...

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In the immortal words of Robert Plant, "upon us all a little rain must fall."  Well, we've certainly had our share this year.  We are behind in just about every aspect of course maintenance.  I really hope the above forecast doesn't actually happen!  We've been struggling to cut almost every area of the course and are walking a fine line between getting at least some work done and causing damage to the course.  At least the dandelions are happy...they are getting watered nicely and we haven't been able to spray them!  Carts have been cancelled a lot.  We have been and will continue to be very conservative with mowing heights because of the risk of scalping.  We don't want to push too hard for green speed and risk conditions later on in the season when the weather is actually nice.  The only good news?  It has to get better...


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