Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Drainage Installation Commencing

The engineering firm is currently on site laying out the work and the contractor will start installing drainage tomorrow morning.  We will begin working on the 4th hole but part of this work extends across in front of the 8th tee.  Look for the tee blocks to be at the beginning of the fairway on # 8 first thing tomorrow.  We will have singage up at the tees when holes are affected. We will only disturb golf on one hole at a time.  The planned work for this fall includes the installation of collector drains on #4, #13, and #15, as well as the installation of a new drainage main line along #13.  This will take roughly the rest of September to complete.  The contractor will then return in November to intall slit drainage in parts of the same areas where the deeper collectors were installed. 

I thank you for your patience in this time of improvements. 

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