Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Renovation Update #1

Construction started yesterday on the 12th green.  Assistant Superintendent Jeremy Krueger had the honour of cutting the first strip of sod from the old green.  We are saving the sod from the two greens and fairway area on #11 to re-use on the 11th fairway which will be widened.  We can not use the existing sod from the greens to re-sod the greens because there is too much organic matter in the soil meaning that it would seriously impede drainage on the new greens.  Instead we will use aerator cores to sprig the greens with live plant material.  This will ensure the grass mix will match our existing greens and that no layering issues are created.  As we progress towards the end of the week, we should have the sub-grade of the green completed which will give us an idea of what the internal contours of the green will look like.  Doug Carrick will approve the sub-grade before we proceed.  Green Committee members will also be involved in this process to ensure that any concerns can be addressed as we go forward.

The first cut of sod and construction begins!

Saving the sod to re-use.  The plastic will prevent it from rooting.

Starting to rough in the new #12

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